@droog is now part of Unique Venues

@droog is proud to be part of Unique Venues. Unique Venues of Amsterdam is an association of 33 exceptional event locations in the capital of The Netherlands. Each and every one is a gem because of the architecture of the building, the central location in the city and professionalism in management. The venues were not originally set up as conference or event locations, so clients are always assured of a special experience.

The Unique Venues of Amsterdam present themselves as a collective via their website, through a wide range of marketing activities, and are represented on (inter-) national exhibitions. Suppliers are welcome to join as well so event planners are informed directly about any additional services they may need for their event.

“We are very excited that @droog is now part of Unique Venues. We can’t wait to show more people our spaces that are full of Dutch Design – and let’s not forget our iconic Fairytale Garden. We hope to see you soon!” – @droog’s event manager Monique van Walsem.

Read the article in Dutch here: https://uniquevenuesofamsterdam.com/maak-kennis-met-onze-nieuwste-locatie-droog/

Borduren en puzzelen cafe@droog

De maand februari staat in het teken van Go Slow bij @droog. Hierbij organiseren we verschillende events waarbij traagheid, bewustzijn en de tijd nemen centraal staan. Heel de maand lang kan je puzzelen en borduren in het cafe van @droog.

Mother’s Day Menu

We love Mother’s Day! Want to celebrate with us? Book a table at @droog and enjoy a special menu in the cafe.

Eggs Benedict
Mother’s Day Cake

€27 p.p.

Only on May 14th. Book a table here.

Droog30 @ Salone del Mobile Milano

Nieuwe Instituut organiseert in april 2023 tijdens designbeurs Salone del Mobile in Milaan samen met Triennale Milano een tentoonstelling rond Droog: ‘Droog30: Design of Non-Design?’. Bij het dertigjarig bestaan staan de samenstellers stil bij anekdotes over de totstandkoming en ontvangst van opvallende meubels, woonaccessoires, verlichting en andere producten van Droog. Aan de hand van die terugblik reflecteren ze ook op ontwikkelingen die het design- en medialandschap de afgelopen decennia hebben doorgemaakt.

Samenstellers Maria Cristina Didero en Richard Hutten, een van de oprichters van Droog en die ook het tentoonstellingsontwerp verzorgt, maken ter gelegenheid van de presentatie een soort ruimtelijke vertaling van een twitter-feed. Je stapt als bezoeker binnen in een driedimensionaal meningenlandschap. Zo maken de curatoren de mentaliteit van Droog tastbaar en invoelbaar: nog steeds niet bang voor stevige reacties en onveranderd tegen de stroom in. Er zijn verhalen opgenomen over verschillende (post)moderne Droog-klassiekers. In Huttens inrichting kun je zelf live op locatie en via het twitteraccount @DROOG30 je mening achterlaten over wat je er tegenkomt. De tentoonstelling herovert het publieke debat dat zich tegenwoordig vooral online lijkt af te spelen en verbindt het aan de analoge ruimtelijke ingrepen waarmee de Droog-ontwerpers zich al decennia uitspreken.

Droog30 is tijdens de Salone del Mobile te zien bij Triennale Milano van 15 t/m 23 april, en bij het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam van 2 mei t/m 27 augustus.

Meer informatie over de tentoonstelling vind je hier.

See All This @droog

After seven years as an art magazine, See All This is stepping out from the pages and from beyond the computer screen. The art magazine is coming to Amsterdam to give new life to the legendary gallery@droog, located on Staalstraat, where the textile inspectors of the 17th century examined the color and quality of fabrics, immortalized by Rembrandt. It will become a cultural meeting place, a sanctuary, and a spot for enjoying lunch or wine with a magazine.

In this unique space, See All This will host (sales) exhibitions, dinners, and offer masterclasses, aiming to pass on ancient knowledge of materials and techniques while also allowing people to experience the mind-expanding sensation of creating things by hand.

Living with art

The guiding principle of this new adventurous endeavor is “living with art.” Indeed, art can uplift us, reassure us, ask questions, bring joy, and even, as recent groundbreaking research shows, keep us healthy (I. Ross, Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us, March 2023). Art is not just confined to white gallery walls; it surrounds us in our daily lives. Therefore, See All This aims to create a relaxed, homely, and studio-like atmosphere where plants, people, animals, and art come together.

The heart of everything See All This does is its paper magazine, and the themes will be physically translated into the Gallery. The space will constantly transform by collaborating with different international guest curators – simultaneously curating their theme issues – such as landscape designer Piet Oudolf, architect Bijoy Jain, and curator Catherine de Zegher.

Amsterdam’s Highline

Piet Oudolf’s most famous garden is the Highline in New York. This year, Amsterdam is getting its own mini-Highline. Exclusively for See All This, Oudolf has designed a 0.75 x 16-meter-long garden against the facade of @droog on Groenburgwal: a gift to @droog and the city of Amsterdam. This southeast-facing garden has already been planted.

“In a time of change, Droog is changing too. In every corner of @droog, our past is visible, but in the true spirit of Droog, we are also open to new ideas. See All This creates a beautiful magazine, and I can imagine how they will enthusiastically breathe new life into our unique space.”
– Renny Ramakers

About See All This

See All This is an art magazine that appears quarterly in print. An enthusiastic and captivating guide featuring special interviews and adventurous background stories about art, photography, fashion, nature, and travel. Since March 2023, See All This has been housed at @droog, where it curates (sales) exhibitions, dinners, and masterclasses in the gallery space. “Paradise Found” is their inaugural exhibition at @droog.

KomedieLab is opening it’s doors

It’s new. It’s an experiment. And it’s not on the Amstel. De Kleine Komedie is also programming at @droog: KomedieLAB. A place for new stories, new forms, experiments, and try-outs. Featuring both undiscovered talents and established names, De Kleine Komedie aims to contribute to the development of new talent and enrich and broaden the genres of cabaret and small-scale performing arts.

KomedieLAB is situated in The Grand Space of @droog. Similar to De Kleine Komedie on the Amstel, this iconic building holds a rich history in Amsterdam. It once housed the Staalmeesters, portrayed by Rembrandt. KomedieLAB is a simple venue, a blank canvas, contrasting with the traditional plush theater hall on the Amstel. Nevertheless, it exudes an inviting and warm atmosphere. The place breathes art and experimentation, making it an ideal environment for trying out new and smaller theatrical forms.

On April 1st, KomedieLAB kicked off with “Volmondig,” a word art program in Dutch by Luan Buleshkaj featuring seven acts and a seven-course dinner. More programs coming soon!