Economia Festival / April 28-30

Share your money habits via our poll which will be online in April and receive a voucher to spend at the Economia Festival (April 28-30th) at NatLab Eindhoven. While using the voucher, you will be confronted with the difference between your initial abstract values you left in the poll and the transactions you make in real life. An overview of the various transactions will be projected on screens at the festival. Droog is partner of the Economia project initiated by Mark van der Net (OSCity/Design+Desires) and Wiepko Oosterhuis. Get your tickets here!

Urban Green Instagram Contest / Feb 21 – March 9

Grab your camera and post your Instagram interpretation of what urban ‘green’ looks like according to you. You can win (1) a ticket for an exclusive Instagram Meet-Up organized by Senns_Less, and (2) a very delicious lunch platter for two (worth 33,- euro) at Hôtel Droog.

Three fun steps to win:

1. Be utmost creative with the theme of Urban Green
2. Post your Instagram photo with #droogurbangreencontest
3. Tag your Instagram photo with @droogdesign

Curious who will be the lucky shot? The award ceremony for the winner will be held during the public event ‘Urban Green, What Do You Mean?!’ on Thursday March 9, 2017, 8PM. 

The Youth of Amsterdam want to work for themselves!

Young people would rather be self-employed than work for a boss under fixed employment.

This is In sharp contrast with Dutch government policy that is aimed at creating more fixed employment.

This is just one of the many results Droog/OSCity uncovered in its’ research on youth in the Dapperbuurt (a neighborhood in Amsterdam). The report was commissioned by the City of Amsterdam.

In an effort to identify the aspirations, needs and desires of the Dapperbuurt youth, Droog/OSCity developed a playful online survey that spoke to young people in a similar way they express themselves online. For this, 800 Instagram profiles of youth were scanned. Our campaign on Facebook and Instagram to fill in the survey, reached 11,500 people.

The most important question posed in the survey was: “Do you want to turn your passion into your job?” No less than 366 young people from Dapperbuurt took the survey. The majority of respondents reported valuing freedom and independence in their careers over working for a boss under fixed employment. Most surveyed prefer to work independently in the creative and care sectors in particular.

Remarkable to note, although these young people are mainly occupied with their own identity (especially online), they also feel very connected to their local neighborhood. Many respondents expressed they would like to actively help and collaborate with others in their community.

While the Dapperbuurt youth aspire to work for themselves, they often lack the necessary tools and feel insecure when it comes to setting things into motion. Many lack financial resources, contacts and basic knowledge of regulations and commercial experience along with a physical workplace.

Droog/OSCity’s advice is to create a neighborhood “Hub” as a launch platform, a space where personal growth, work ambitions and leisure time intertwine. The Hub would take center stage to coach youth on nurturing the aforementioned tools they lack to realize their dreams. The model of the high-tech start-up accelerators – such as RockStart and Startupbootcamp can also be applied to other sectors. Our aim is to connect the notion of start-ups to the core values of the city of Amsterdam: creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. In this way, new opportunities for new generations of self-aware youth will follow: from smart city to smart societies.

The survey in the Dapperbuurt is part of the Design+Desires program by Droog/OSCIty. Click to find the full report “Me, Myself & My Job. Space for starters”.


Social City wins Peoples’ Choice Award at UABB 2015/2016

Social City wins Peoples’ Choice Award at UABB 2015/2016

We (Droog, OSCity, Jan Rothuizen) are happy to announce that our project Social City, which is part of the Design+Desires program, has won the Peoples’ Choice Award at the UABB 2015/2016. The jury stated: ““Symbiotic Village”, “City of Wind”, and “Social City” won public recognition for their creativity, sense of presence and visual presentation through a poll conducted at UABB venues, on the official website and platforms like WeChat, over a period of one month.”

Renny Ramakers talks at the Penny Stamps Speaker Series in Ann Arbor

On Thursday April 7, 2016, Renny Ramakers will give a presentation at the Penny Stamps Speaker Series in Ann Arbor (MI). She will talk about her inspiration and work, and Droog’s latest people-centered urban research-and-do program called Design+Desires. Renny will tell something about her fascination with Russian constructivism and De Stijl movement, and how this has influenced on her path and that of founding Droog and its many different projects. The Penny Stamp Speakers Series offers a unique art & design education within the University of Michigan. Focusing on creative practice as an engine for cultural change and innovation.

Thursday April 7, 2016
5.10 PM
Michigan Theater
603 E. Liberty Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

The event is free of charge and open to the public.

Come ‘n play Social City in Hôtel Droog!

You are now invited to come and play the Social City quiz in Hôtel Droog.
Social City is a think tank based on your dreams and desires. Via the quiz you can share how you envision your ideal city life. For example, in what kind of house do you want to live? What would be the view from you Social City house? Do you want animals in your neighbourhood, which ones? What kind of mobility do you wish to use in Social City? What kind of technology do you aspire in Social City? If you answer these and other questions, you will get an avatar designed by Thonik. Together with people all over the world you build the virtual city!

Experts in architecture and city planning discuss your answers on the Social City platform. The objective is to find solutions and opportunities which match your ambitions, needs and dreams and which can be implemented in the existing daily environment. The ultimate goal is to upscale all results towards a larger infrastructure to arrive at a conceptual model for a (partly) self-organizing city.

You can play the quiz at home on the internet, but you are now also invited to play the quiz on the tablet in ROOMSERVICE, the elegant and airy café and tearoom of Hôtel Droog. Sit down at the beautiful Hardworking Desk, play the quiz and enjoy some of the finest homemade recipes or freshly made sandwiches. Our advice, don’t sweat too much!

See you at Hôtel Droog!

Where to play:
Hôtel Droog
Staalstraat 7a-7b
1011 JJ Amsterdam

When to play
Tue-Sun 11am – 6pm
Monday closed

Social City at UABB 2015

Social City at UABB 2015

The program Design+Desires examines how to link the dreams, desires and needs of citizens to their virtual and real daily experiences. Design+Desires combines the output of social media, active participatory citizen research, technology, and innovative design solutions.

Social City is a first full-scale exercise of the Design+Desires program and is commissioned by UABB for its 2015 architecture biennale in Shenzhen (China). Social City is curated by Renny Ramakers and presents the different steps for the creation of a model for a future city.

Two interactive installations, called ‘Babel’ by architect and computer programmer Mark van der Net, are directly tapping the social media (Weibo and Twitter) in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.  We tap this media, because digital technology and social networks have drastically changed city life. With standard statistical methods it is hard to conduct research on this increased fragmented society. Via the social media tapping we can better explore how people are simultaneously connected with each other through the virtual and the real, what they talk about and where they are while using social media.

In Social City we do not perceive citizens as abstractions, for us the diversity of their dreams and desires are pivotal. Therefore artists Jan Rothuizen has taken the digital data mapping as starting point. From this data he selected and contacted people to meet in real life. Based on his encounters with a retired investor, a travel office employee, an Uber taxi driver, and a factory worker, he made drawings of their individual behaviours and desires.

We also capture the dreams and desires of citizens all over the world via the quiz on . People are invited to answer questions about their ideal city life. This generates a unique avatar that will have its virtual home in Social City, which is built according to the given answers in the quiz. We invite experts in the field of architecture, urban planning, sociology and economy to reflect on the content generated by citizens and to start a dialogue. We also make visualisations of the results.

The data from the platform will have to result in design solutions, the building stones for the future city. The challenge is to combine all different desires in one city model. Architect office TD did the first exercise, which is based on one of the questions in the quiz: “how would your house in Social City look like?” So far it turns out that most people want to live in a tree hut, a building block or a detached house. But there are also quite a few people who would like to live in a house boat or a mobile home and there are even people who do not want a house at all. TD’s ‘Treehousewaterboatappartmenthammocktower’ is a free interpretation of this diversity of desires, illustrated in a condensed example for one building block. It is no science fiction, but actually tested on technical feasibility.

Social City will be on display till March 1, 2016 at UABB, No.3 Gangwan Road, Shekou, Shenzhen (深圳市南山区港湾大道3号) . See photos here .

Follow Social City on TwitterFacebook, or sign up for our mailing list to be amongst the first to get the news.

For more information and images: [email protected]

Social City will be on display at UABB 2015

Soon Social City will be on display at UABB 2015 (Bi-City Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture) in Shenzhen (China, 4 December 2015 – 1 March 2016), No.3 Gangwan Road, Shekou, Shenzhen (深圳市南山区港湾大道3号) . In the meantime you can play the quiz! More quizzes will follow. Read here all about Social City at UABB.



Droog invites you to share your dreams & desires for a new way of city-making on

People all over the world are invited to express their desires via a virtual platform and quiz at

People can create an avatar and see the city grow. is also a think tank. Quizzes on a
variety of topics generate visual data maps, research, reflection and discussion.

The project is part of a broader research-and-do-program developed by Renny Ramakers
(Co-founder of Droog). The program examines the world’s city life starting from small scale to the
larger whole by acknowledging the passions and needs of people. Social City is the first exercise.
The average person intimately knows 50 people. These people probably met through a predestined
network – a network of people limited by nationality, income, school and work.

Next to this, the world is changing fast and it’s splintering. Mohammed in Africa probably has more
in common with David in the UK than he does with Ibrahim in his same-city friendship circle. Bringing
Mo and David together not only nurtures shared interests, but also individual diversity due to their
birthplace heritage.

Everything has changed around us. We embrace internet, technology, social media, globalization.
Yet, the way cities are designed is surprisingly similar to 50 years ago. Cities do not keep up with this
fast-paced status quo and its fragmenting diversity of lifestyles.

Imagine cities built like matchmaking sites, connecting like-minded people with shared dreams and
desires. Imagine our social circles not being designed by top-down decision making, but by our
mutual passions. Imagine desires designing our cities.

The online platform addresses all of this by using play and techno culture to capture
the dreams and desires of ordinary citizens. This makes for a city that understands changing global
culture, a city without borders, or rules or top-down planning. is an exercise in individuality and explores how countless identities can make up a
diverse whole. It is a think tank based on the desires and dreams of citizens. The world has changed,
now it’s time for the city. is created by Renny Ramakers (Droog / Design+Desires) and Mark van der Net
(OSCity) in collaboration with Thonik (design). It is part of the broader Social City project at Shenzhen
Urbanism/Architecture Bi-City Biennale (UABB, 1/12/2015 – 1/3/2016), curated by Renny Ramakers.

For more information please contact:
[email protected]

Social City (beta version) at Beijing Design Week 2015


At the Next City Living Lab during the Beijing Design Week (23/9 – 7/10, 2015) the beta version of the Social City online platform will be launched.

Cities are becoming larger and larger, smarter and smarter. Technology is supposed to solve all city problems. Governments, companies and urban planners are eager to do so. But what about citizens? What do they think? Can they have a say? In Social City they have!

Social City is an online platform which, via a game-like experience, invites CITIZENS all over the world to share their dreams, desires, and needs. This input will generate a virtual city. People can build a house, define their neighborhood, envision their community, arrange their mobility, choose their economy, and can even decide how to rule Social City.

Multiple choices are possible. People can check out what other Social Citizens are dreaming of doing and being. If they become inspired by them and want to revise their city, they could simply create a new avatar and play the game again. The more people participate, the more Social City will grow.

In Social City the citizens take the lead, and experts in architecture and city planning are invited to reflect on the shared desired elements which constitute Social City. It challenges top down city planning. The platform is a unique online combination of shared dreams and desires of citizens, hard data and discourse by professionals.

The platform is part of the Social City project at Shenzhen Urbanism/Architecture Bi-City Biennale (UABB, 1/12/205 – 1/3/2016), curated by Renny Ramakers (Droog Foundation/Design+Desires).

Social City platform is curated by Renny Ramakers in collaboration with Mark van der Net (OSCity). Technical implementation: OSCity. Graphics: Thonik.

Exhibition venue in Beijing: The Nurturing House, Sanjing Hutong No. 21, Dashilar, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100051

Design + Desires reworks Dapperbuurt










A project by the Droog Foundation, Design+Desires examines how to link the dreams, passions, desires and needs of citizens to their virtual and real daily experiences. The latest investigation for D+D has been given the go-ahead by the city of Amsterdam, and visits the neighbourhood of Dapperbuurt.

From September to December 2015, we will examine the passions of Dapperbuurt residents through two key layers – conducting various data capture and responding to that data with design solutions to present alternative economy solutions to policy-makers. In the first layer, we will conduct a social quick-scan of Dapperbuurt with the help of a technological tool developed by Mark van der Net of OSCity. This tool will extract soft data information of Dapperbuurt citizens by tapping into content linked to personal activities and passions which citizens have posted on the web. This tool will be supported by IRL data capture through in-depth interviews with Dapperbuurt citizens, also focusing on their passions – conducted by public space designer Jan Konings and artist Jan Rothuizen.

By collating these desires we meet the second layer of the Dapperbuurt project. We will translate the collected data into innovative design solutions to solve local problems and explore new opportunities within Dapperbuurt. Using the qualities of design, we intend to find alternative economies (not a money economy) through the mechanisms of citizen passion and leisure time. Keep up to date on the project here: