Hybrid Highriser for Hoogstad Architecten

date: 2001

The Dutch architect Jan Hoogstad has designed highrise buildings based on off-shore constructions. The principle of the ‘hybrid’, consists of a durable core that enables flexible interior design and facades with a relatively short lifespan. Hoogstad approaches Droog for such a mantle.

Jurgen Bey, Alias and Frank Tjepkema’s Studio Open develop ideas. Alias’ concept is based upon the interference of two linear patterns, one to be put on the inside construction and one on the mantle.

A moiré effect will result. Studio Open take weaving as a starting point. Every function or use in the mantle must have its own colour and together they form an ever changing pattern. In Jurgen Bey’s proposal the mantle influences the volume of the building by using fine or rough meshes depending on user needs.

The project was to be presented in several metropoles, like Buenos Aires and Tokyo, but was abandoned because of 9/11.
