Design + Desires reworks Dapperbuurt










A project by the Droog Foundation, Design+Desires examines how to link the dreams, passions, desires and needs of citizens to their virtual and real daily experiences. The latest investigation for D+D has been given the go-ahead by the city of Amsterdam, and visits the neighbourhood of Dapperbuurt.

From September to December 2015, we will examine the passions of Dapperbuurt residents through two key layers – conducting various data capture and responding to that data with design solutions to present alternative economy solutions to policy-makers. In the first layer, we will conduct a social quick-scan of Dapperbuurt with the help of a technological tool developed by Mark van der Net of OSCity. This tool will extract soft data information of Dapperbuurt citizens by tapping into content linked to personal activities and passions which citizens have posted on the web. This tool will be supported by IRL data capture through in-depth interviews with Dapperbuurt citizens, also focusing on their passions – conducted by public space designer Jan Konings and artist Jan Rothuizen.

By collating these desires we meet the second layer of the Dapperbuurt project. We will translate the collected data into innovative design solutions to solve local problems and explore new opportunities within Dapperbuurt. Using the qualities of design, we intend to find alternative economies (not a money economy) through the mechanisms of citizen passion and leisure time. Keep up to date on the project here:

Droog Foundation presents its latest program: Design+Desires

Design+Desires examines how to link the dreams, desires and needs of citizens to their virtual and real daily experiences. The objective is to find solutions and opportunities that can be implemented in the existing daily environment. The ultimate goal is to upscale these towards a larger infrastructure and to develop a conceptual model for a partly self-organizing city.

The program consist of design projects, educational projects, academic research, citizen surveys, exhibitions, expert meetings, debates and lectures. The website of Design+Desires keeps track of all these data and other input by citizens and experts, it archives and visualizes this.

Part of Design+Desires is Social City. This project will be shown at UABB 2015 (Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture) in Shenzhen (China, 1 December 2015 – 1 March 2016).

Social City will consist of an interactive website and a connecting interactive installation at the Biennale exhibition. It will form the introduction to the main exhibitions of the Biennale.