At MADE 2016 Droog is awarded ‘Designer do Ano’ (Designer of the Year)

From Screw to City

At the 4th Mercado Arte Design (MADE) in São Paulo (Brazil), Droog presents ‘From Screw to City’, showcasing that Droog explores for more than 23 years all dimensions of human life – from the smallest detail to the bigger picture – from screw to city!

At MADE 2016 Droog is awarded ‘Designer do Ano’ (Designer of the Year)

Mercado Arte Design (MADE) in São Paulo (Brazil)

Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday 13h – 21h
Saturday 12h – 21h
Sunday 12h – 20h

Location: Jockey Club de São Paulo – Av. Lineu de Paula Machado, 1.173 (vallet no numero 1.263) – Cidade Jardim, São Paulo, Brazil

Tuesday to Thursday
Free entrance

Friday to Sunday: R$ 20

For the elderly and students: R$ 10

Social City (beta version) at Beijing Design Week 2015


At the Next City Living Lab during the Beijing Design Week (23/9 – 7/10, 2015) the beta version of the Social City online platform will be launched.

Cities are becoming larger and larger, smarter and smarter. Technology is supposed to solve all city problems. Governments, companies and urban planners are eager to do so. But what about citizens? What do they think? Can they have a say? In Social City they have!

Social City is an online platform which, via a game-like experience, invites CITIZENS all over the world to share their dreams, desires, and needs. This input will generate a virtual city. People can build a house, define their neighborhood, envision their community, arrange their mobility, choose their economy, and can even decide how to rule Social City.

Multiple choices are possible. People can check out what other Social Citizens are dreaming of doing and being. If they become inspired by them and want to revise their city, they could simply create a new avatar and play the game again. The more people participate, the more Social City will grow.

In Social City the citizens take the lead, and experts in architecture and city planning are invited to reflect on the shared desired elements which constitute Social City. It challenges top down city planning. The platform is a unique online combination of shared dreams and desires of citizens, hard data and discourse by professionals.

The platform is part of the Social City project at Shenzhen Urbanism/Architecture Bi-City Biennale (UABB, 1/12/205 – 1/3/2016), curated by Renny Ramakers (Droog Foundation/Design+Desires).

Social City platform is curated by Renny Ramakers in collaboration with Mark van der Net (OSCity). Technical implementation: OSCity. Graphics: Thonik.

Exhibition venue in Beijing: The Nurturing House, Sanjing Hutong No. 21, Dashilar, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100051

Droog Foundation presents its latest program: Design+Desires

Design+Desires examines how to link the dreams, desires and needs of citizens to their virtual and real daily experiences. The objective is to find solutions and opportunities that can be implemented in the existing daily environment. The ultimate goal is to upscale these towards a larger infrastructure and to develop a conceptual model for a partly self-organizing city.

The program consist of design projects, educational projects, academic research, citizen surveys, exhibitions, expert meetings, debates and lectures. The website of Design+Desires keeps track of all these data and other input by citizens and experts, it archives and visualizes this.

Part of Design+Desires is Social City. This project will be shown at UABB 2015 (Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture) in Shenzhen (China, 1 December 2015 – 1 March 2016).

Social City will consist of an interactive website and a connecting interactive installation at the Biennale exhibition. It will form the introduction to the main exhibitions of the Biennale.